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We help you make the most of your site with our comprehensive site investigation services.
James Huntington | Managing DirectorDunelm have 50 years’ experience as leaders in the field of ground investigation, providing site investigation services on a national scale at competitive prices. Having complete accreditation for Quality, Environment and Health and Safety, our clients are afforded a first class service, with results they can be confident in. Our highly qualified, experienced staff and in-house drilling services deliver an efficient and flexible service which can be tailored to the needs of our clients.
Leaders in the
Field of Ground Investigation
Dunelm are Leaders in the Field of Ground Investigation, specialising in providing comprehensive site investigation services that are tailored to the unique needs of each client.

Our in-house team of Geotechnical, Environmental and Drilling specialists comprises Project Managers, Geologists, Environmental Scientists, Remediation Designers, Drillers, Site Supervisors and Technicians.